Monday, April 28, 2014

Breaking Down Outdated Labels in our Unitarian Universalist Community

I am quite certain that this is not the most efficient way to do this. But I am a little fried after two months of scoring essays written by children during their yearly standardized testing marathons.

I can't figure out who would listen to my complaint, although I'm sure someone would; someone in power with he ability to make real change the way we do things.

Why does the "blogs" tab on the UU World website still have a "new" label?

I started Chalice Spark in 2008 and the blog tab was labeled "new".

I think we should not replace the "new" label with an "old" label! But it can just sit there all on its own. "Blogs."

Or frankly, maybe it should say "Social Media Updates" since our very own Heather Christiansen has been doing a fabulous job of rounding-up a growing field of media sources to our weekly Interdependent Web. "Click Here", or "where all the cool kids hang out" or I don't know.....something that does not say "new".

Thank you for listening.

And all I can do is think about how my post looks very similar to some of the 4th grade essays I scored today. Except they were just a little better. I can only give it a 2.

Sorry kid, better luck next year.

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