Friday, April 3, 2009

Plans for General Assembly--from the Youth

Did you know....

...that there is fantastic youth programming at GA?

...that youth can and do serve as delegates at GA?

...if there is no money to send youth from your congregations, scholarships are available?

...that my son Michael serves as the FUNTIMES Manager? (It's means something fancy, but basically comes down to facilitating the youth who serve as delegates--he knows Robert's Rules, and the format for getting things done at the business sessions and decodes it all for the youth. Part of what he's learned is a formal process for coming to consensus. How cool is that?)

And he's live blogging from the Pre-site meeting in Salt Lake City. Part of what the youth do at their presite meeting is to go out and find the cheap places to eat, the interesting things to see and the ways to get around the city. Good information for all of us who are going to GA this year.

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