Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday, GA!

UUA GA.....Which Day?!

It's another beautiful and hot day here in southern Florida. It's funny, and I hate to jinx us all and say it, but we've not had one thunderstorm while we've been here. OK wait while I go put my umbrella in my bag...but really, isn't this a subtropical region? Shouldn't we have thunderstorms like clockwork in the afternoon? Just like at the Rainforest Cafe? I guess the mile after mile of mini-mall parking lot and paved road and manicured lawn doesn't cook things up like the gator swamps used to. Maybe I'd better go buy more carbon offsets.

I walked in early to catch the worship this morning. I almost stopped at the hotel to have a quick breakfast first, but then the lines were long and the tables full, so I thought, "oh, I'll just go in early and sit close for the worship" then walking along someone passed me walking really fast.
"Oh, I should be doing that and getting exercise" I thought, but I don't want to be totally sticky from 7:30 on, so I didn't walk fast and that person made a light that I didn't. But while I was waiting for my light, Michael appeared next to me saying "I did NOT just walk against that light on that busy street" (yes he did) and right behind him was Laura Park, the woman I know from when we were kids, from my home congregation, from my husband's sister, from my childhood! The woman who is here as a professional consultant working with Helen Bishop on the Appreciative Inquiry so the board can really know who we are, what we value. THAT Laura.

There was my holy spirit snatch.

We all talked a bit and then I got to sit with Laura for worship. We marveled that we both chose to be mostly stay at home moms for most of our children's growing up years and that we'd somehow become the church ladies. (Laura's work

And we talked about her work and my work and our families, big church and small church, teens and babies. And it was just lovely. In the middle of the service the thought came to my mind "our moms would love to see a picture of us here in the plenary hall together" so here it is mom and Kathy, a bit fuzzy, but proof!

Love those holy spirit snatches! I guess it's true. You gotta do when the spirit says "do"!

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