Friday, February 19, 2010

Pacific Northwest District Assembly!

Oh, I am having so much fun at the District Assembly for the Pacific Northwest District.

I love hanging out with other people who can say "Oh, you know!" and you say "Oh yeah!" and then you both laugh and the other people laugh and you say....

"Yep! This is being a Religious Educator!"

And then, people like the amazing Rev. Julia McKay lead worship in the round with guitar and piano and DANCERS!

I got to sit behind our UUA president, Rev. Dr. Peter Morales. I was SO proud that Julia led such a fabulous worship, and proud to have our new president see how amazing our leaders are in the PNWD! Silly, I had nothing to do with what happened, but still.....proud. WTG PNWD!

And this is the first time I've left my child at a UU event for the evening, and said "well, considering health and safety you should probably be home by midnight" and then....driven away from the event--headed home. Having an 18 year-old is a whole different world. And thankyougodandjesusamen.....he got the acceptance letter from UW today. Other schools might come in--bigger schools with bigger money, but this one that will take his 85 credits at the end of the year wants him and that is really good.

I wish I could bottle up my colleagues and bring them all home with me. But for now, life's good! Love my work, love my faith and can't wait for the morning and Bill Harley.

Thank you. Amen.


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