Then I noticed other bloggers paying tribute to the Philocrites blog.
I'm reminded of Steve Caldwell and this thing he told me that is my new mantra: "Kill it before it dies". Good advice. Chris is wise to say "I'm moving on."
I started blogging here in the summer of 2008 after GA (importing the GA blogs I'd written in Ft Lauderdale for my little church-family blog). That must have been just about the time little Philo was born and Philocrites was pretty busy doing the good work of raising a child. I didn't see him being super active in the blog world. But it's a good choice because if you take your eye off the baby he'll do what mine did and learn to drive, turn 18 and for God's Sake-- go to college of all unthinkable things. You gotta watch like a hawk.
But I did read the Philocrites blog--old posts were new to me. And almost every time I finished a post I'd rush to go and delete my whole blog, I was completely unworthy. The intelligent, thoughtful and insightful posts Chris wrote were always like a full meal deal of a read. Powerful stuff.
In the UU Blogosphere we still have the consistent inspiration of Boston Unitarian. The lovely snark of Chalice Chick at The Chalice Blog. Peter Bowden's wicked enthusiasm at the UU Growth Blog. Lots of others, but nothing quite the same.
Thanks for the fabulous work, Philocrites. And thanks for leaving your blog up for us to read. You'll be sorely missed, and long revered.
You can link your Facebook status to Twitter - it is a setting and super easy! Go for it!
Chris writes so well, knows so much, and is so generally right on target with his opinions that he tends to make the rest of us feel inadequate.
It's hard to imagine anyone filling his place in the UU blogosphere.
I know the feeling of wanting to dash off and delete one's blog because one feels so inadequate. I've done it several times. I'm trying not to do it again.
Shoot, I think your blog is far more entertaining than mine! :)
I'm also going to miss Chris Walton's Philocrites blog (probably the only UU blog to be mentioned on "The Daily Show").
But I can't take credit for the "kill it before it dies" advice. That wisdom came from Jennifer Johnston (my co-facilitator at the OWL K-1/4-6 training) and we should give credit where it's due.
Take care,
For real? I thought it was all Steve. OK, thanks Jennifer! Apologies all around!
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