I had a fantastic weekend visioning retreat!
We had to start out just a little off track by listening to the debate on a scratcy mountain radio station and arriving a few at a time in a slow stream in the darkness. I only lasted about a half an hour of sitting and listening before I had to get up and DO something. I readied our space for the worship and workshop. Soon my friends were preparing dinner, too. We were moving in silence so we could still hear through the static of the old cabin radio.
But what a great group! Appetizer dinner! Shared cleaning (LOVE that!). Singing through the hymnal as we waited for the folks who had later responsiblities back home. And then a great opening worship where we left our worries in a stone and stashed them all in a basket away from us. Then we did a good check in, then off to bed. One of us has continually expressed trepidation that we're not "having a Kum Bah Ya" moment. So, we did upbeat and fun three-part songs. I love a group that can hear "breeeaaaathe-in" and they're right there with you for "breeeaaaathe-out" peeling off into the other parts without a bit of help.
Morning was more worship, more three part songs. The theme of the three workshops on Saturday were "Where Do We Come From" (tell your story of what RE was like when you got to this church) "What Are We?" (How do things feel, look move--right now?) and "Where Are We Going?" (BIG dreams!) so we sang that, and after our first workshop we hiked to a little waterfall. It wasn't far but our stalwart nearly two-year-old hiked almost the whole thing herself! So it was a full and restful break, just what we needed.
And the Saturday night worship planned by two of the council members? Oh yeah, turn to hymn number 401. Guess what it is. There was much laughing as we sang out "Someone's laughing lord......"