Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can You Hear the Chant?

If you listen closely you can hear it......"girl's trip, girl's trip, girl's trip....."

I am just over a week away from a trip with my girls! And today this arrived in the mail:

The note says "Girl's Trip Survival Kit" and it's got ear plugs and blister treatment pads and the lovely and glamorous eye shade. There's a pack of gum and a pack of tums, kleenex, hand sanitizer, socks and a book about the Beat Generation. One of my bff girls is a crazy amazing organizer and I'd bet our whole little group got these in the mail today. It's making me even more excited to go!

I've had these women in my life forever, more than 20 years, and I will not ever let go of them, not ever. I'm so lucky. Some of us have given birth with the support of another, three times actually. And we've moved each other dozens of times. We've cried over loss and gain and gains that felt like losses and losses that felt like gains. Our oldest children turn 18 in the next weeks and our youngest just started first grade. If we could find a way to live closer we would, right now we're about as far apart as you can be and still reside in the continental U.S. But it doesn't matter. Friends live in your heart.

The Sunday after next, as soon as I can leave church, I head to the airport, and catch up with them in San Fransisco. We've got just a few days, but it's better than nothing. And now that I've got my survival kit and since it's clear that I'm not going to lose 10 pounds before I go so my clothes all still fit, well....I'm pretty much all set to go! Pack my bags and wait by the door for the day to come, that's what I'll do!

What would we do without friends? I have no idea, and I have no intention of finding out. None.

The chant gets louder......GIRL'S TRIP! GIRL'S TRIP! GIRL'S TRIP!

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