Sunday, May 24, 2009

Youth Ministry Working Group--REPORTS!

The physical issue of the Summer 2009 UU World has not hit my mailbox yet, but it's there for the reading at the UU World website.

I'm not sure if they're continuing to do this, but UU World has had an audio recording of at least the spring issue, maybe more--a FANTASTIC way to "read" the article while doing the dishes or other zen like meditation that can sometimes drive you right around the bend and into the pond. Hope they do this again.

This issue has a great article about the new model of youth ministry recommended by the Youth Ministry Working Group. has a lovely quote from my son. Oh buttons are a poppin' here in the Pacific Northwest tonight:

Michael Kusz, a member of Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Seattle, Wash., and a member of the Youth Ministry Working Group, said, “As a youth in a small congregation, I see the need for change on a weekly basis. My church has less than 200 members, so maintaining a vital youth group has always been an issue. We are lucky to have six people come to youth group, and we usually only have three, despite the best efforts of our director of religious education and youth advisors. There are simply not enough resources available.”

“Serving youth, especially youth of marginalized identities, is a challenge for many small congregations,” Kusz said. “This is why I believe in the call to shift the center of gravity in youth programming to the congregational level.”

The nice boy. And oh yes, he is speaking in church again this year, on June 7th to be exact. Thanks so much for asking.

OK, the gushing is over, regular programming will now resume. But watch for frequent gushing episodes as GA approaches.

I am one lucky mama bear. And buttonless.


Chris Walton said...

The audio version of the Summer issue is in production right now, and should be online sometime later this week. Watch for an announcement in the magazine's weekly email newsletter. Glad you like it!

Unknown said...

Wow, what wise wisdom from your son! You should be one proud momma!