Thursday, June 25, 2009

GA--and our own RE Saint, Sophia Fahs.

If there were a saint of Religious Education in Unitarian Universalist circles, it just might be Sophia Lyon Fahs. Each year the Unitarian Universalist Liberal Religious Educators honor her memory with a lecture at the General Assembly of Unitarian Universalist Congregations.

This year our honored guest lecturer was Rabbi Sandy Sasso. She is the long time rabbi of a congregation in the US heartland. She's an acclaimed author. But more, she's a wicked amazing speaker! Why? Because she tells stories. She told us parables, and stories about her father and her daughter and her parishioners.

It was fun and inspirational. There were over 250 people laughing and applauding, by my count. It should be up on the video from the UUA but not yet. Watch it when it comes up!
The core of the message was that children can handle theology, not adult theology, but our theology. If we don't give them space and time and a little of our image, they pick it up from the 5,000 messages they get each day. So step up, step in, and talk about the big questions with kids!
Oh and hey all you LREDA members, don't forget to donate to the Fahs fund when you fill out your membership forms this year!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Coverage from the web reporter Rebecca Kelley-Morgan here: And it's Lori Allen. Not Laurie. Great reporting though!